Application/Special Solution > Biometric Solution
Biometric Solution

Biometrics is the technical term for body measurement and calculation. It is derived from the word ‘Bio’ means life and ‘Metrics” means to measure. It can be translated as the measurement of human physical-biological properties that are unique to each subject.
Biometric solutions are used to authenticate subjects through biometric measurements of characteristics including fingerprints, gait, facial recognition, iris structures, retina and other assessment purposes. Biometric methods use rule-based learning as well as machine learning, AI and Deep Learning.
Biometric solutions are applied in 2 areas:
- Identification determines the uniqueness of a subject that compared to all available biometric data
- Verification ensures the correctness of biometric data from the subject that compared to existing data

Biometric solutions are applied in 2 areas:
- Identification determines the uniqueness of a subject that compared to all available biometric data
- Verification ensures the correctness of biometric data from the subject that compared to existing data

Biometric solutions are used to access management system,
- System access
- Physical access