Coal Mining Company streamlines financial and operations processing to maximize profitability with effective cost IT investment
- One of the biggest coal producer from mines located in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
- Established in 2021
- Headquarters in Jakarta and operates in 1 Kalimantan job sites.
- Providing various coal qualit
“In our pursuit of excellence in the digital landscape, our fore- most goals center on elevating customer satisfaction. To realize this vision, we recognize the pivotal role of OPUSB ERP chosen digital platform. This robust solution not only propels our growth trajectory but also does so with a keen focus on ensuring costeffective investments, aligning seamlessly with our commitment to delivering unparalleled value in the digital era❞
Terang Laksana, Director
PT Berca Hardayaperkasa
Head Office
Gedung BERCA Jl. Abdul Muis No. 62 Jakarta 10160 Indonesia
Tel : (62-21) 3800902, (62-21) 3455880
Fax : (62-21) 3812044, (62-21) 3518814
Email : Ferbruary 2021
Business Drivers: Accurate real time information across department

Coal Mining Company is a coal producer company established in 2021 with an objective to provide the highest coal quality for their customer. In it’s strive to have a significant growth in coal producing company, it is paramount that Coal Mining Company will need to have a cost effective operation as well as to improve complex overall operational efficiency and accurate real time information.
The challenges faced by the company, which has many transactions occurs in job sites and less control of transactions across department. Besides that, as a new company, it will be difficult to provide proper IT infrastructure that can handle head office and their job sites transactions. The challenges could not be anticipated by small applications used by the company with local area network connections coverage.

“What we need to counter the challenges is a Cloud ERP, which could answer
real time information keyed in at anywhere and anytime with lower cost IT
investment and it could be our digital platform for us to growth in the future,”
Din Kwang Tih, Coal Mining Company
Business Drivers
– Integrated data accuracy across department
– Single global instance for one single source of truth
– Lower cost IT investment
Selectively, since year 2021, Coal Mining Company started to look for a Cloud ERP vendor capable to deliver solutions to company’s requirements. HME’s choice went to BERCA OPUSB Cloud ERP. The reasons are the availability of best practice suitable for Distribution industry, measurable the implementation and maintenance supports.
To implement OPUSB Cloud ERP, Coal Mining Company chose Consulting Services Group (CS Group), a division of PT Berca Hardaya perkasa, among several qualified candidates. Besides as ‘OPUSB’ official partner, PT Berca Hardayaperkasa is a company credible in management, financial, and experienced in Information Technology.

Coal Mining Company has implemented OPUSB Cloud ERP to support their business process with the following modules: Finance Accounting, Procurement Management, Inventory Management,Production and Contract Management.
Moreover, CS Group provides experienced and high-commitment experts. Their experts even have international experiences in quality assurance field.
Results: Integrated real time information

Inventory, procurement, finance accounting, Production and contract management modules have been used. There is no more inaccuracy data and time lag of business communication between departments.
It happened simultaneously with Cloud ERP based, which can be access using web browser that connects all job sites and Head Quarter with no distance limitation once connected to the internet.
“What makes us happy are: The fact is ERP cloud has capability to bring all
information from operation into financial reports real time. It also provides
effective cost IT investment to support daily operations across department
and job sites.” said Dicky (Financial Controller) of Coal Mining Company.
Business Drivers
– Ability to get real time information at anytime and anywhere.
– Unified system, to get accurate data quality as one single source of truth.
– Having effective cost investment of Cloud ERP