Denodo Data Virtualization Successfully Support Some Business Areas (Parts, and Logistic) in Toyota Astra Motor

posted on April 24, 2021


Denodo Data Virtualization Successfully Support Some Business Areas (Parts, and Logistic) in Toyota Astra Motor

Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) is the leading automotive distributor in Indonesia, they currently have more than 30% of market share in Indonesia market, TAM also providing the after sales services for their customers to ensure the satisfaction of the customers


1. Faster turnaround for BI projects to reduce the “Time to Data”
2. Better Competitive & Operational Business Intelligence that uses a broader range of sources that are currently unavailable
3. Definition of a business semantic model that is shared across multiple reporting tools that centralizes the definition of core metrics, while presenting an easy-to-use schema to end users
4. Enable certain degree of Self-Service to reduces the dependency on IT and eliminate the need for “Shadow IT”


Self-service Analytics BI is often quoted by many – ie, allow users to discover and access data without having to ask IT to create a data mart, or by allowing users to directly export/copy the data from the data sources themselves into their analytics tools and systems. The challenge is not just to provide access to the data – even from Excel this can be done – but to do this in real time without creating processing overhead, while getting trusted data, with the best response time possible, in a managed, governed and secure way in order for these users to trust the output of the analysis.



Denodo provides a data access platform that allows users to access the data they need from multiple data sources, when they need it, and with the best possible response time. In addition, a Data Marketplace built on top of this proven technology enables Self Service Analytics by exposing consistent and governed data sets to be discovered by users, providing the trusted foundation for a successful Self-Service Analytics initiative.


Berca Hardayaperkasa as leading implementor data management and analytics in Indonesia and also as one of trusted vendor in TAM help to

• Use Denodo to help TAM consolidate their data. Simplify access to one point rather than connect to every database
• Enable data democratization to business user to use Denodo as adhoc query engine
• Denodo as a gateway to govern TAM data, manage the security for data access
• Help business user to understand their existing data asset by Denodo data catalogue


TAM started implementing the Denodo portfolio on December 24, 2019



Faster Time to Value

• Some of datamart take less time to create , and can be easily modify without extensive ETL job.

• Processing is delegated down to the sources, as part of Denodo optimization method.

More Agile

• Integrate data from multiple sources faster.
• Able to leverage Caching database to avoid impact to Source system and improve performance

Better Security Governance

• Single entry point for all access
• Able to enforce consistent security controls for all access (include access from SSIS) • Dynamic Masking can be implemented for all access
• Role-based access control
• Auditing of user activities and real-time monitoring

Better Data Governance

• Data Catalog functionalities : Data Lineage provides better trust and confidence , Self_service ( not relying on IT) , Business information discovery (easy search with custom Catagories/Tag that suits TAM).


TAM have strong data and analytics roadmap in future, in high level describe as 3 stages :


  1. Data Informed. The key business need is for data to provide Operational visibility
  2. Data Driven. The key business need is for data to provide support organization’s growth with scalable tooling, data product & insight
  3. Data Led. The key business need is to “productionize” of data services to unlock product & data science teams, allowing them to automate operational decision-making, and user product experiences


To facilitate 3 stages of BIG DATA roadmap, TAM implement Denodo to build logical Data Lake. Implement a single governed data lake as a viable solution for managing physical data lakes, and providing access to all the information contained therein for enabling an organization to power its analytics. Data virtualization enables the pursuit of a data lake strategy without complexity of implementing a physical data lake.


By employing a Logical Data Lake Strategy using the Denodo Platform, TAM can take benefit:


  • Query Data sources in combination with other structured, semi-structured and unstructured data sources using a single logical data lake.
  • Avoid data swamps by employing a light-weight data governance approach which helps enterprises to maximize the value of their data lake.
  • Empower users to access the information they need for building trusted reports.
  • Enable Data scientists to build sandboxes for mixing incoming data with historical data, analytical data, and local data.
  • Prevent a physical data lake from becoming a silo.


Denodo help us to simplify manage our data asset and also help to catch up business requirement as soon as possible rather than build transformation in ETL