Modern data Center and Cloud Services > Hybrid Cloud Services
Hybrid Cloud Services

Hybrid cloud refers to a mixed computing, storage, and services environment made up of on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud—such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure—with orchestration among the various platforms. Using a combination of public clouds, on-premises computing, and private clouds in your data center means that you have a hybrid cloud infrastructure.
- A widely-accepted standard interface.
- Meet data governance rules
- Operational efficiency in unprecendented hybrid scalability
- More deployment options to match your business needs

- A widely-accepted standard interface.
- Meet data governance rules
- Operational efficiency in unprecendented hybrid scalability
- More deployment options to match your business needs

- Fit for purpose
- Improved security capabilities
- Cost benefits
- Driving innovation and future – proofing IT
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