Enterprise Resource Planning > OpusB as a services
OpusB as a Services

OPUSB as a service is called Software as a Services, or SAAS that allows users to access to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software applications that run on shared servers via the internet. Users can access their business application at any time from any locations with minimum IT (Information Technology) team involvement. OPUSB SAAS also offers flexibility and scalability to adopt company growth in the future.
- To have an affordable and modern Enterprise Resource Planning application as SAAS (Software as a Services) model on BERCA cloud infrastructures.

- To have an affordable and modern Enterprise Resource Planning application as SAAS (Software as a Services) model on BERCA cloud infrastructures.

- Lower Total cost of ownership
- Reduce Implementation Risk by removing hardware and platform software components
- Continuous Development by taking advantage of application upgrade done by BERCA
- The data has been backed up and there is a disaster recovery plan on BERCA Cloud infrastructure
- Subscription pricing will make the company manage the OPEX budget effectively.
Principal & Level Partnership