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Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform Bantu Tingkatkan Performa IT Infrastructure untuk SMBs

    Sudahkah perusahaan Anda mengadopsi integrated infrastructure dan otomatisasi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan keamanan pada bisnis?   Jika belum menerapkannya, Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) G350 bisa menjadi solusi Anda. Hitachi VSP G350 adalah software-defined infrastructure yang penting saat bisnis membutuhkan integrasi dan otomatisasi dan simplicity untuk berjalan dan berkembang dengan cepat dan efisien. […]

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5 Langkah Mudah Menyiapkan dan Mengelola Cloud-Ready Infrastructure – Bagian 1

  Hingga memasuki awal tahun 2021, perjalanan transformasi digital dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun pekerjaan tidak terasa berubah secara siginifikan, hal ini disebabkan karena proses yang berjalan begitu cepat. Para IT Profesional merasakan bagaimana bertahan dan berkembang dalam ekonomi digital.   Menurut Accenture, 80% dari perusahaan mengatakan investasi dalam transformasi digital naik secara signifikan dari sebelumnya […]

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Windows On AWS

Windows on AWS Most Microsoft applications run perfectly on AWS but here is an overview of some of the commonly run workloads in AWS:   Enterprise Apps: SQL Server, SharePoint, Exchange, Skype, Active Directory, System Center, VDI and Remote desktop Custom .NET Apps LOB Apps: Dynamics and 3 parts ISV Applications   You have a [...]
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Nutanix: The Cost of Downtime

  By Ed Collins Source: Datacenters: The Good and Bad   Modern enterprises live and die by their applications, many of which are housed in datacenters. If a datacenter goes down, the applications go down with it, crippling IT, and by extension, the business. Consequently, business viability today is a function of information technology (IT). […]

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Data Protection and Disaster Recovery Checklist

  By Ines Marjanovic Source:     In the pursuit of data protection, businesses nowadays face more hurdles in the security landscape than ever before. From the recent Global Data Center Survey Report, many new trends in datacenter business come as a surprise. We know there’s a growing demand for reliable, scalable infrastructure, but issues with […]

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Nutanix Delivers Advanced Data Management Platform for Hybrid and Multicloud Environments

    Source:    Nutanix (NASDAQ: NTNX), a leader in hybrid and multicloud computing, today announced the release of the first cloud agnostic multi-database management solution. Era 2.0 extends the Nutanix database management solution across clouds and clusters to simplify operations, with increased scale and reduced costs for IT and database teams. Additionally, Nutanix announced expanded […]

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Cisco and Hitachi Adaptive Solutions Meet Application Centric Infrastructure

  By: Elorie Widmer Source:   Cisco and Hitachi Vantara share many customers with data center modernization initiatives. With this in common, earlier this year the two companies collaborated to deliver new validated solutions that are helping enterprise businesses meet the challenges of today, and position themselves for the future.   The new Cisco and Hitachi Adaptive […]

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VMware Empowers Customers to Build their Multi-Cloud Future

    This week at VMworld 2020, VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW) announced new innovations to help customers build, run, manage, connect, and protect any app on any cloud. Today, more than 15 million enterprise workloads run on VMware in the cloud, and more than 4,300 partners offer VMware-based cloud services. This includes all major public cloud providers. With these […]

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Hitachi Vantara’s Digital Infrastructure Product Roadmap

    By Patricia Harris Source:   It has been three months since we proudly announced the combination of Hitachi Vantara and Hitachi Consulting. In the short period of time since the announcement, our already rapidly changing world has evolved in ways we could not have imagined.   COVID-19’s toll on humanity has been withering […]

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