Red Bell Indonesia Migrates Their Infrastructure to the Cloud with AWS
Red Bell is a food and bakery ingredients manufacturer based in Indonesia. With over 30 years in the food industry, the company is well known as great tasting flavourfuls ingredients at an affordable price.

Move Operations on the cloud
Red Bell had decided to host its infrastructure on AWS because the platform not only provide the foundation, but AWS provides a lot of advance services that can support the improvement growth of their business. With AWS EC2 platform Red Bell get benefit from High Availability, cost control and performance increasing.
Business Challenge
Red Bell needs a rapid solutions to market when deploying their applications, but their traditional infrastructure will not keep up with their pace since, the cost might be skyrocketing to prepare a new physical infrastructure that suitable with their application developments and will not be in time when Red Bell want to enroll new applications, services and innovations, in order to win the competitions.

How AWS and Berca Solution helps customer

Red Bell runs all of their application platforms on AWS, through leveraging Amazon EC2 and Autoscaling Group capabilities. Amazon CloudFront that enables Red Bell to monitor their complete stack (applications, infrastructure, network, and services) comes in handy, Amazon SES where this services helps Red Bell to send transactional or marketing emails and bulk email sending, Amazon S3 for binary data as well as AWS Cost Explorer that helps analyse instances, features, or products used to optimize monthly costs.
Red Bell desired to unleash the creativity and speed of their development organizations, without compromising their IT team’s ability to provide a scalable, cost-effective, and manageable infrastructure find that AWS Lambda enables them to trade operational complexity for agility and better pricing, without compromising on scale or reliability. By using AWS, it has been able to scale rapidly and enjoyed reduced time to market, requiring only 10-15 minutes to spin up new instances for new workloads.
Alongside with AWS flexibility and scalability, BHp proposed and additional value of a fully “Managed IT Services and Public Cloud Services” solution which offers a multi-layered approach to service, delivering a 24/7 Helpdesk facility for a single point of contact for any support request, a Technical Back-office team actively monitoring and remediating any alerts that may arise, and a Professional Services team for all onsite needs.
All requests or alerts are managed end-to-end, including third-party management through to resolution and within defined service levels. This ownership of incidents allows Red Bell to concentrate on developing their own business rather than having to worry about maintaining IT systems. In Logistic partnership and relationships with customers, vendors SLA is important for Red Bell, with AWS uptime SLA 99.99% Red Bell can provide better SLA to customers and partners. Red Bell can maintain a high SLA while having the flexibility to experiment and add new services.

Benefit of AWS :
- Provides Visibility on costs when new features are added
- Support monthly growth with high scalability
- Can quickly provision and easily test new features
- Simplifies task delegation for dispersed teams.
- With AWS, you take advantage of a scalable, reliable, and secure global computing infrastructure
- AWS utilizes an end-to-end approach to secure and harden our infrastructure, including physical, operational, and software measures.