Supply chain management > Opus B Opus B Service Overview Opus B is All in One Business application that can use for managing daily operation of an Organzation such as Sales, Procurement, Accounting, Inventory, etc OPUS B is Modern, Adaptable, and Affordable OPUS B also Improve efficiency through a common user experience across many business functions [...]
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Internet dan media sosial memberikan efek positif bagi pengusaha karena memungkinkan untuk memulai usaha terutama bisnis toko online. Saat ini dengan memanfaatkan internet dan media sosial maka Anda sudah dapat membuka toko. Ditambah dengan semakin banyaknya marketplace yang dapat menjadi pilihan Anda dalam menjalankan usaha. Walau begitu bukan berarti Anda bisa langsung membuka toko online […]
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Dewasa ini persaingan di dunia bisnis semakin meningkat secara signifikan. Para pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah tentu yang paling merasakan efeknya sehingga penting bagi pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang memungkinkan untuk terus berkembang dan melakukan bisnis secara efektif dan efisien. Salah satu kendala yang harus dihadapi oleh pelaku usaha kecil […]
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BUSINESS OVERVIEW Berca Hardayaperkasa (“BHp”) is a leading information communication technology, test measurent and consulting company in Indonesia. We help our valued customers to drive their business growth in the era of digital transformation and industry 4.0 by delivering digital solutions and services which is powered by extensive ecosystems and exploit the power of hyper-converged [...]
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Network and Security Network and Security Overview Viruses, spyware, worms, malware and service attacks are constant threats to acompany’s network, data, time and productivity. Network and security protects application infrastructure in real time, against network and application downtime,malware spread, information theft, web services attacks, etc. More than ever before, network security must become application aware [...]
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Telecommunication Measurement & Infrastructure Telecommunication Measurement & Infrastructure Overview TMI is a strategic business unit that provides integrated and efficient communication services, measurement services, telecommunications infrastructure and outsourcing, and network service provider solutions. TMI offers integrated solutions that are precisely efficient and fast with the support of our highly qualified professionals and collaboration with leading [...]
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Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning > Enterprise Scheduler Service Enterprise Scheduler Service Overview JAMS unifies job scheduling and workload automation across the entire IT infrastructure. With JAMS in place, batch processes that typically consume a costly mix of resources to run across separate environments can be managed from a single command center. Centralized job management minimizes [...]
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IT Automation > Robotic Process Automation Robotic Process Automation Service Overview Robotic Process Automation is the technology as computer software (or what we called a “robot”) to mimic the actions of a human interacting within digital systems to execute a business process. As RPA do is mimicking the human, it is able to do most [...]
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Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning > Predictive analytic Predictive Analytic Approach Overview Predictive Analytics AI / ML includes a data processing system that extracts information from electronic data by modeling using AI / ML. This approach is used to predict some cases under conditions that cannot be explained by pure statistical techniques with a significant degree of [...]
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Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning > Computer Vision dan Video Analytic Computer Vision dan Video Analytic Overview Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence implanted in a computer that trains it to process and interpret image data into data objects accurately that are recognized through a series of processes. Computer vision mimics the intelligence of human [...]
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