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Oracle JD Edwards Data Archiving Solution
Enterprise Resource Planning > Oracle JD Edwards Data Archiving Solution Oracle JD Edwards Data Archiving Solution Overview Data archiving is the process to move data that is no longer actively used in the current ERP production database. Archive data consists of older data that remains important to the organization or must be retained for future [...]Oracle JD Edwards KIOSK Service
Enterprise Resource Planning > Oracle JD Edwards KIOSK Service Oracle JD Edwards KIOSK Service Overview To streamline the process of daily transaction data capture from the production area, some companies have installed self-service kiosks. The operator can follow an interactive screen to select which transactions they want to do and produce or scan the barcode. [...]Oracle JD Edwards Mobility Solution
Enterprise Resource Planning > Oracle JD Edwards Mobility Solution Oracle JD Edwards Mobility Solution Overview JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Enterprise Applications and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Smartphone Applications accelerate business execution on the user’s device of choice. Customers can use this framework to develop new and extend out of the box EnterpriseOne mobile enterprise applications [...]Oracle JD Edwards Indonesian Payroll Solution
Enterprise Resource Planning > Oracle JD Edwards Indonesian Payroll Solution Oracle JD Edwards Indonesian Payroll Solution Overview JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital & Payroll Management delivers integrated business processes that increase the efficiency and productivity of your workforce. Your organization will gain the competitive edge it’s looking for when it is efficient and highly productive. [...]Opus B Service
Supply chain management > Opus B Opus B Service Overview Opus B is All in One Business application that can use for managing daily operation of an Organzation such as Sales, Procurement, Accounting, Inventory, etc OPUS B is Modern, Adaptable, and Affordable OPUS B also Improve efficiency through a common user experience across many business functions [...]Tiga Langkah Membangun Toko Daring
Internet dan media sosial memberikan efek positif bagi pengusaha karena memungkinkan untuk memulai usaha terutama bisnis toko online. Saat ini dengan memanfaatkan internet dan media sosial maka Anda sudah dapat membuka toko. Ditambah dengan semakin banyaknya marketplace yang dapat menjadi pilihan Anda dalam menjalankan usaha. Walau begitu bukan berarti Anda bisa langsung membuka toko online […]
Menerapkan Sistem Integrasi Bagi Masa Depan Bisnis
Dewasa ini persaingan di dunia bisnis semakin meningkat secara signifikan. Para pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah tentu yang paling merasakan efeknya sehingga penting bagi pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang memungkinkan untuk terus berkembang dan melakukan bisnis secara efektif dan efisien. Salah satu kendala yang harus dihadapi oleh pelaku usaha kecil […]