Network & Security > WAN Optimized
WAN Optimized

In a company, we need a device that can optimize WAN data flow. This device is needed to support the performance of traffic critical applications or important data. The tool used to answer these needs is the WAN Optimizer. Usually this WAN Optimizer is used to optimize data flow from Head Office to Branch, or from Datacenter to datacenter.
- To optimize the speed of access to important applications and information

- To optimize the speed of access to important applications and information

- Traffic shaping, traffic is prioritized and bandwidth is allotted accordingly.
- Data deduplication, reduces the data that must be sent across a WAN for remote backups, replications, and disaster recovery.
- Compression, shrinks the size of data to limit bandwidth use.
- Data caching, in which frequently used data is hosted locally or on a local server for faster access.
- Monitoring the network to detect non-essential traffic.
- Creating and enforcing rules about downloads and internet use.
- Protocol spoofing, a method of bundling chatty protocols and as a result have effect as a single protocol
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